Wordless Wednesdays

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fab Five Friday Foto(s)

Before we get started, let me clarify something:

I am well aware that today is NOT Friday.

Phew! SO glad we got that out of the way.

I've been doing a bit of brainstorming lately in the way of coming up with recurring themes for this here blog. Different ideas came and went...Wacky Waldorf Wednesdays...nah...Totally Tubular Tuna Tuesdays...meh...Mangey Monday Mackerel Meatloaf...Wow, can we say a resounding NO?? Wait a minute...wait just a minute!


Because I so desperately need some form of accountability/routine/sense of expectations, I hereby declare every Friday on The Epic Adventures of Skarymop & Co. shall beeeeee....


Let's give it up for a good idea; okay, folks? WOO HOO!

It's really quite simple. Every Friday, I shall post five (no more, no less) pics. Hence the name, "Fab Five Friday Foto(s)". I've decided I like it. I really do. And yes; I know that "Foto(s)" is a colloquial spelling. Calm down, folks. Just trying to keep the alliteration hip and happening. These photos may be sequential. THEY MIGHT NOT. There may be captions to these photos. THERE MAY NOT BE ANY. You will just have to languish in the anticipation of it all! "Will she post captions this week?? The suspense is positively KILLING me!!" Well, languish no more, my friends! For now, (on a Saturday night, no less) is the first set of "Foto(s)" in an excruciatingly long series that will be known as "FAB FIVE FRIDAY FOTO(S)!!!"

Here we go.

Now that went quite well; don't you think?

I hope you enjoyed the first installment of "Fab Five Friday Foto(s)"!! I look forward to sharing many more photos of my epic adventures with ya'll. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!